nuance dragon serial number

Find Nuance Dragon Serial Number

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How Do I Find My Nuance Dragon Serial Number on Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking Software?

Being the most used, reliable and authentic language recognition software, Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) comes up with a rule that no user can take its benefits unless they a unique serial code associated to that version of the Nuance Dragon.Yes, every user should have a unique serial code before they can begin using it.

Well, now the question arises that ‘How to Find the Nuance Dragon Serial Number on Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking Software?’

Most people are raising this question over social communities, so we thought to plan a blog for the same.Here, we have provided the simple process through which you can get your unique serial number within minutes –

  1. Check Email ID

Nuance is the publisher of Dragon Naturally Speaking s/w. While you download this software or make a purchase online, it sends an email message to your registered mail ID.This message contains that unique serial number for the DNS version you purchased.

If, in future, you do not find this unique serial number in your mailbox, you can either find it online using your Dragon Naturally Speaking order number or locate it within your DNS About screen or installation directory.

  1. Check DNS About Screen

In case, you couldn’t find your Dragon Naturally Speaking serial code at your registered mail ID, please try finding it through the About screen of your DNS Installation Wizard.

To check DNS About Screen –

  • Simply open the Dragon Naturally Speaking software
  • Right-click the DNS icon at the System Menu
  • Select “Help” and then click “About NaturallySpeaking.”

The splash screen that displays should list your DNS serial code. Copy your code and close the screen as you find it.

  1. Look Up Your Order Online

To purchase the DNS online, you will always be assigned an account over the Nuance website.To find your serial code at your online account, please visit the ‘Look Up Your Order Web page on’.Here you can enter the required login credentials such as order number and password.

Once you’re logged in, click “Find” to get information regarding your Dragon NaturallySpeaking order that will also come up with the information of your unique serial code.

  1. Check DNS Installation Folder

Many a times, due to the corrupted installation files, one can face difficulties in accessing their Dragon NaturallySpeaking About Screen. In such situation, they can try this another method of ‘checking up the DNS Installation Directory’.

How to Get DNS Installation Directory?

  • Visit the “Program Files” folder on your system
  • Double-click the “Nuance” folder and find “NaturallySpeaking(version)” folder and get into “Ereg” folders.
  • Here you’ll have to double-click the file labeled “Ereg.ini”. Next to Ser_Num, you can find your serial code.

Hope you have got the answer of you query ‘How do I get nuance dragon serial number?’.

Watch our latest video on Youtube regarding Setup of dragon