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How Nuance Dragon Checks Error Process?
“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” ― John C. Maxwell
We admit that we have flaws at times which leads to errors and creates hindrances for our customers. Many a times, consumers provide us great feedbacks and their queries pave way towards changes. This practice makes the process of creating a user-friendly software less and less taxing and more and more inspiring. We address the issues and check on them timely to provide the best of us out there.
We understand that sometimes dragon misunderstands what you said and creates a sentence with wrong words, to tackle this, we have created several ways to provide effective and immediate results.
1) If dragon misheard you and typed in a wrong word you don’t have to correct it with your fingers. You can simply command ‘correct that’ and the window will automatically open options with which you can replace the wrong word. The corrected words menu is simple to access. You just have to simply state the option you want to pick. For instance, if you want to choose the third option you can simply state the number like ‘choose three’ and the word will be replaced with the right word without any delay.
2) If the right word is not in the menu don’t worry, we have got you covered. Simply state the word again. You just have to repeat the misheard word again. & it will be added in the sentence. If, it still doesn’t add up you can command easily with ‘undo that’ or ‘correct it’ just place the word with ‘it’ or ‘that’.
3) If dragon can’t track your word completely, you can choose a rather simple option and spell the word out. Use the feature “spell that” to correctly put the word in place. As soon as you command “spell that” we will open a tab where either you can type in words or dictate them out loud.
You don’t have to worry about doing this again and again as we prefer our customer’s delight over everything else. Once, you’ve put the right word with the help of aforementioned steps dragon will store the same in memory and provide you the word next time to avoid the fuss. We never forget the corrections we make.
For further assistance, you can also reach us through toll-free Nuance Dragon Technical Support Number +1-310-513-5006 or mail us at [email protected]