Step By Step Guide To Create Voice Enabled Template in Nuance Dragon Software

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How to create templates in Nuance Dragon?

This article is for you if you use Dragon dictation on a regular basis and haven’t yet encountered template commands. Templates in the Dragon speech recognition system let you paste text that you’ve already written or dictated. The Dragon template allows you to reuse the same block of text over and over again, whether you’re writing a review of systems report, a set of instructions, or a form letter.

In this blog, we are going to guide you how to make voice enabled custom Dragon in NaturallySpeaking voice recognition software.

Step 1: Go to [Tools] > [Add New Command] on the DragonBar. Alternatively, you might say “Add new command.” The MyCommands Editor will open in the second stage.

Step 2: Type the phrase you’ll use to initiate the command in the [MyCommand Name] field. Choose a sentence that is simple to memorise yet unlikely to appear in routine dictation.

Step 3: Select [Train] to teach Dragon how to pronounce the command.

Step 4: In the [Description] area, give the command a name that will help you remember it.

Step 5: Select whether this command will be a Dragon command or a user-defined command in the [Group] list. If it’s user-defined, replace “User-defined” with the name of the group you want. The new name of the group will be shown on the list next time when you create command.

Step 6: Determine where the command will be used:

  • Almost everywhere (Global)
  • Only in the context of a certain application
  • Only in a particular window

Step 7: Type the text and/or visuals you want in your new template in the [Content] box.

Step 8: Click the [Variable] button to introduce a variable voice field. Each field is set to [default value] by default. Edit the text between the [] brackets to modify the field’s default value.

Hope with the help of above points, you will be able to create custom templates in your Nuance Naturally Speaking software. If still wish to know more about the product, feel free to contact Nuance Dragon Helpdesk.

You can connect at our toll-free number +1-310-513-5006, the Nuance Dragon Technical Support team will guide you.